Guidance on Keeping Children Healthy during the COVID-19 – VizoCare Skip to content
Guidance on Keeping Children Healthy during the COVID-19

Guidance on Keeping Children Healthy during the COVID-19

While children represented 9.1% (380,174/4,159,947) of all COVID19 cases, The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) reported 179,990 new child cases from 7/9-8/6 (200,184 to 380,174), a 90% increase in child cases over four weeks. Children made up between 3%-12% of total state tests, and between 3.7%-18.6% of children tested were tested positive. Although the best available evidence indicates that children are far less likely to suffer severe symptoms, and the death rate among school-aged-children is much lower, parents are still concerned about their child's safety. In the meantime, CDC published a statement on the Importance of reopening America's Schools this Fall while considering the full spectrum of benefits and risks of both in-person and virtual learning options. Given all data, interests, and uncertainties, making decisions about opening your school or sending your children to school becomes harder. In this article, we collected sources for (information/tips/guides/tools) that can help you make decisions and apply protective measures during covid19.


Who is involved in a child's protection during covid19?

School and program administrators, caregivers, community, and parents are key players in planning, preparing, and responding to COVID19. School and program administrators are individuals who oversee the daily operations and play a critical role not only in academic achievement but also in protecting our children's health. Therefore, school administrators should collaborate with local health departments and other partners while following preventive measures. These resources help make decisions and prepare your school for a safe return to your students.

1. Deciding on opening your school while meeting parents' expectations

It is one of the hardest decisions for parents sending their children to your school and deciding on opening your school during COVID19. This checklist "Back to School Decision Making Tool" and "school decision tree" designed by CDC can help you understand expectations and make decisions on reopening your schools. If you are a school-based service, make sure to check page 3 for more guidance. The checklists contain items, such as "Does not Apply," "Disagree," "Unsure," and "Agree." We provide the below sources based on your answer. In case of checking "Disagree" to any items, and you still need to open your school, you should be ready to review your school plans and resources to reduce risk and meet parents' or caregivers' concerns and questions about their children. If you check "Unsure'' at any item, CDC suggested that you consider reaching out to your school administrator. Also, checklists titled, "Virtual/At-Home Learning Feasibility" and "Academic and Social-Emotional Wellbeing" on page three are significant to understand parent's expectations while sending their children to schools. 

2. Planning & preparing your school for a safe return

Schools play a critical role in supporting a whole child's well being, learning, and academic achievement. When adding covid19 to the calculation, more responsibilities were added to school administrators. Nowadays, the school readiness includes policies and procedures, facilities and supplies, COVID19 education and Training, communication and messaging, gatherings, visitors, and events, action planning, and special consideration if someone gets sick. School administrators need more guidance while planning and preparing schools for safe return. You can find here a CDC readiness and planning tool can help you check general, weekly, and daily readiness checks at your school. CDC is also offering guidance for administrators of public and private child care programs and K-12 schools.  Also, you can check Key Messages and Actions for COVID-19 Prevention and Control in Schools provided by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

 3. Protecting children at school while operating

The fundamental role in considering during operation is "The more people a student or staff member interacts with, and the longer that interaction, the higher the risk of COVID-19 spread. The risk of COVID-19 spread increases in school settings," as the CDC suggested. Therefore, it is a must to daily promote behaviors that reduce the spread, such as:

It is essential to recognize the critical role of schools and prevent the transmission of infectious diseases, COVID-19, among children or staff. Make sure to provide a safe environment by ordering enough Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Visit or submit your purchase requests by contacting

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