Build trust with your employers & attendees: Face to Face Meeting/Events during COVID-19.
World Health Organization (WHO) and public health authorities around the world are taking actions to promote healthy attitudes and behaviors that will have a favorable impact on protecting lives from COVID-19 and contain the outbreak. Despite all the efforts that have started in January 2020, workplaces and events can present unique challenges for COVID-19 investigation and public health action. Long term success cannot be taken for granted, especially after opening up America; therefore, businesses and employers are playing a vital role in executing preventive measures to stop the spread of this disease.
In light of the urgency of the business and employers' roles, WHO and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are sharing guidance and tools for responding to COVID-19 cases in non-healthcare work settings. In this Article, In this Article, we are combining both guidelines along with tips to follow to protect your employers, customers, or attendees during face-to-face meetings/events.
General Guidelines to follow for any event or gathering:
- Be well informed about and comply with local regulations
- Stay at home if you are feeling unwell
- Wear a mask following local recommendations
- Always comply with the following three necessary measures:
- Maintain at least 1-meter distance from others
- Cover a sneeze or cough with a tissue or bent elbow, and immediately dispose of the tissue in a closed-lid bin. Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Clean/wash your hands frequently.
Step By Step Guidelines & useful Tips
Before the Meeting/Event:
- Check the advice from the authorities where you plan to conduct your meeting or event.
- Plan to prevent infection at your meeting or event by considering the following:
- Could an online event replace it?
- Could the meeting or event be scaled down?
- Verify information and communication channels, such as public health and healthcare authorities.
- Pre-ordering sufficient supplies and materials, including tissues and hand sanitizer for all participants.
- Have surgical masks available to offer anyone who develops respiratory symptoms.
- Advise participants in advance that if they have any symptoms or feel unwell, they should not attend.
- Collect all organizers, participants, caterers, and visitors' contact information: ( Name, email, phone number, address).
Tip (1):If you are living in America, check Here for advice from authorities.
Tip (2): State clearly that all contact information of all attendees, including organizers and yourself, will be shared with local public health authorities in case any participant becomes ill with suspected infectious disease. If they do not agree with this, they cannot attend the event or meeting.
3. Plan for an emergency, in case any of your participants becomes ill with symptoms of COVID-19 (dry cough, fever, malaise).
- Identify a room where he/she can be isolated safely from the crowd.
- Have a plan on how they can be safely transferred to the hospital.
- Know what to do in case a participant, staff members, service providers test positive during or after the event.
- Confirm all the above plans with the health department and healthcare providers.
During The meeting:
- Brief all your attendees during meetings/events on the measures that organizers are taking to make this event safe and hygienic.
- Encourage regular hand-washing or use of an alcohol rub by all participants
- Encourage participants to cover their face, their elbow, or tissue if they cough or sneeze.
- Provide contact details or a health hotline number that participants can call for advice.
- Display dispensers of alcohol-based around the venue.
- Arrange seats so that participants are at least one meter apart.
- Ventilate the venue by opening windows and doors regularly.
- If anyone starts to feel unwell, Follow your preparedness plan or call Hotline
Tip (3): Build trust by playing ice-breaking activity on ways to say hello without touching and keeping the physical distance (1-2 Meters).
Tip (4): Be Direct and humorous when asking people to wash their hands, such as "I feel like we've had quite a time with every virus and bug this year! Would you mind rewashing your hands, just in case? I'm doing everything I can not to take another sick day." or you can keep hand sanitizers on tables.
Tip (5): You can build trust with attendees by asking housekeepers to clean tables with Alcohol wipes during the break.
Tip (6): Smart Plan on where to put the dispenser based on your event activities and participant's movement. This Automatic Dispenser - Free Standing (DS-3) or Automatic Dispenser - Desktop (DS-2) can be a smart choice in case any changes happen to your scheduled activities or venues.
Tip (7): If someone feels unwell during a meeting, offer a mask so they can get home or a designated assessment facility safely.
After The Meeting:
- Retain all contact information of all participants for at least one month. Contacts can help our health authorities trace people who exposed to COVID-19 during your event.
- If someone at the meeting suspected as a COVID-19 case, you should inform all your attendees to monitor themselves for symptoms and take their temperature twice a day.
- Thank all the participants for their cooperation in keeping the event safe for others.
Tip (8): You can offer a Digital Oral Thermometer with a reasonable price on the participants' welcoming bag. A small amount can show your care for your employers and customers too.
Many people spend a large portion of their days at work, often in close contact with other workers and the public. It is essential to recognize and take action to prevent transmission of infectious diseases, including COVID-19, in the workplace. Make sure to provide a safe environment by ordering enough Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Visit www.vizocare.com
or submit your purchase requests by contacting sales@vizocare.com.
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