May 6, 2024 | Vizocom Sitemaster

Breaking : Be Prepared for Peak Tornado Season this May 2024

May 6, 2024 - May is upon us, and with it comes the sobering reality of peak tornado season in the United States. While recent years have shown some variability, statistically, May sees the most tornado activity compared to any other month.

Increased Risk and Geographic Shift

Compared to earlier spring months, May brings a broader zone susceptible to tornadoes. The threat expands from the Deep South to encompass a large swathe of the nation, from the Plains to the East Coast. However, the greatest risk remains concentrated in the Plains and Midwest.

Heightened Danger

  • May boasts the highest average number of tornadoes of any month. Over the past two decades, May averaged a staggering 278 tornadoes, exceeding both April and June.
  • May also sees an increased likelihood of violent tornadoes (EF4 and EF5) compared to other times of the year. These powerful storms pose a significant threat to life and property.

Unpredictable Nature

  • Despite these averages, tornado activity can fluctuate significantly year to year. We've witnessed this recently, with May 2019 recording a staggering 510 tornadoes compared to just 126 in 2020.
  • Last year's March even saw more tornadoes than May, highlighting the unpredictable nature of spring weather patterns.

Stay Informed & Prepared

  • Develop a Tornado Safety Plan: Discuss with your family where to seek shelter during a tornado warning.
  • Practice Your Plan: Conduct regular drills to ensure everyone knows what to do in case of a tornado.
  • Stay Informed: Monitor weather forecasts and warnings closely. Sign up for local alerts and consider a weather app for real-time updates.


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